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Monadnock Regional School District

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Tuesday March 10th: Official Voting

 The polls will be open to voters in their towns of residence as follows.  Sample ballots for each town are available by scrolling down to the bottom of this page.

Fitzwilliam– Town Hall, 11 am-7pm

Gilsum– Gilsum Elementary School, 1pm-7pm

Richmond-Veterans Hall, 11am-7pm

Roxbury-Meeting House, 6:30pm-mid-meeting

Swanzey-Christian Life Fellowship Church, 8am-7pm

Troy-Samuel E. Paul Community Center, 10am-7pm

Absentee Ballots

Applications for Absentee Ballots   Registered voters who reside in the Monadnock Regional School District may submit their request for an MRSD absentee ballot from their local Town Offices during their regular business hours. Residents may also request applications from the school district (SAU #93) Office at 600 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH 03446, or by phone (603) 352-6955, or by FAX (603) 358-6708.

Absentee ballots will be mailed to eligible voters by their local Town Office. Swanzey and Roxbury Absentee Ballots will be mailed by the School District (SAU#93) Office.

Important Documents

Please click on any of the .pdf files included below for more information, including the SAMPLE BALLOT for each of the six towns (the only difference on each ballot is who the candidates are that are running in each town),  the proposed budget (MS-27), the default budget (MS-DS), the two collective bargaining agreements to be voted on, and the original warrant as presented at the Deliberative Session.

(Older information)

Filing for Candidacy:  Last Day Friday January 30, 2015 - 5 p.m.

This Friday January 30th is the last day to file as a candidate for either the School Board, the Budget Committee, or Moderator.  Those interested may file at the SAU #93 Central Office, 600 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except on Friday, January 30, 2015 the office will be open until 5:00 p.m. For a thorough list of policies concerning the role of the School Board and its representatives, please see under MRSD district policies, Series B:  Board Governance and Operations (click here:  

For more information on the composition and operation of a Cooperative School District, please refer to NH Revised Statutes Anotated, chapter 195.  

The following positions are open:


SCHOOL BOARD - For a Three Year Term:
2 Representatives from Swanzey, NH
1 Representative from Troy, NH
1 Representative from Fitzwilliam, NH
1 Representative from Roxbury, NH

 BUDGET COMMITTEE For a Three Year Term:
2 Representatives from Swanzey, NH
1 Representative from Gilsum, NH
1 Representative from Troy, NH
1 Representative from Fitzwilliam, NH

BUDGET COMMITTEE - For a Two Year Term:
1 Representative from Swanzey, NH
1 Representative from Troy, NH

BUDGET COMMITTEE - For a One Year Term:
1 Representative from Swanzey, NH

Deliberative Session:  Saturday January 31st, 2015 - 10:00 a.m.
The Monadnock  Regional School District will hold the 2015 Deliberative Session on January 31, 2015 in the Monadncok Regional High School auditorium at 10:00 a.m.  The High School is located at 580 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey NH. All registred voters who reside in Fitzwilliam, Gilsum, Richmond, Roxbury, Swanzey and Troy are welcome to attend and participate.  The Deliberative Session will consist of explanation, discussion and debate of warrant articles.  The meeting will be governed by the Provisions of RSA 40:13.

Official voting will take place in each of the district's respective member towns on March 10th, 2015.

See links to important documents, below, including the proposed Warrant articles, the proposed operating budget, the default budget, and three year union employment contracts for the specialists of the MRSD, and the support staff (MESSA) of the MRSD, both negotiated with the School Board, to be in effect from July 2015 - June 2018.

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