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Monadnock Regional School District

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Catherine Woods, Director of Student Services
603-352-6955 ext. 6967
Ann Marie DeTurris, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Student Services
603-352-6955 ext 6952
Kathryn Schnare, MRMHS Special Education Administrator
Lauren Klowak, PreK-Elementary Special Education Administrator




Monadnock Regional School District

As mandated under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and NH Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities, public schools must provide special education for any child (between the ages of 2 1/2 and 22 or until receipt of HS diploma) who is determined to be educationally disabled. Additionally, school districts are required to have formal “Child Find” procedures to locate, evaluate and identify children who may have disabilities to ensure eligible children are found, identified, and provided needed services. The law applies to all children living in the district, including those in nonpublic/private schools, as well as children who are wards of the state and to homeless children living in our district.

Eligible students are entitled to a free and appropriate education, including an individualized plan for instruction. The law applies to all eligible children, regardless of the severity of the disability.

If you suspect that a child may have an educationally disabling condition, you are encouraged to contact the school district.  Contacts may be made to the Special Education Office located at:
600 Old Homestead Hwy., Swanzey, NH, or by calling (603) 352-6955 ext. 6952

Section Ed 1105.02 – LEA Child Find Program
posted 8/4/2023