403(b) Information (The OMNI Group)
The Omni Group
A 403(b) Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan.
If you have any questions or wish to set up a 403B, please contact OMNI directly.
Universal Availability Notice to All Employees
All Monadnock Regional School District employees have the right
to make voluntary contributions/elective deferrals by payroll deduction to the district’s 403(b) Plan.
The district’s 403(b) plan is administered by The Omni Group.
The plan document may be viewed at: https://www.omni403b.com/PlanDetail.aspx?clientID=s7rPW1Xg2Ik=
This site includes first enroll and information on 403(b) vendors included on this plan.
Enrollment information, all forms, and transaction instructions are all found on
The Omni Group website.
Dear Valued Client,
As in years past, compliance with Universal Availability regulations remains critically important to all 403(b) plan sponsors. Universal Availability regulations mandate that “meaningful notice” of your plan be provided to all eligible employees. This notice should inform employees of how to participate in the plan, as well as illustrate the many benefits of contributing.
To help demonstrate your organization’s compliance with Universal Availability regulations, OMNI recommends distributing the attached communication- which has been extensively revised and updated from previous years- to all employees.
Further action you may take to bolster compliance with Universal Availability regulations include:
- Inserting a message line on payroll stubs regarding the availability of a 403(b) plan;
- Providing a link to OMNI’s website on your organization’s website;
- Distributing OMNI’s quarterly newsletter, OMNI Updates, to your employees; and
- Ensuring that a 403(b) notification is posted in public areas; this is especially critical if certain employees have been contacted by email only.
To help you best satisfy IRS regulations regarding meaningful notice, OMNI is now able to distribute all appropriate UA communications directly to your employees on your behalf. Please contact your dedicated remittance specialist for instructions.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service and hope you find this information useful. As always, if you have questions regarding Universal Availability, or any other 403(b) related matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.