E-mail an electronic copy of the flyer in question to the Superintendent's Administrative Assistant, Lillian Sutton at lsutton@mrsd.org
It must have "NOT A SCHOOL-SPONSORED EVENT" clearly and prominently on the flyer, if it is an outside organization.
Let the Administrative Assistant know which schools that you intend to distribute the flyer to.
If approved by the Superintendent, you will be notified when the flyer will be distributed electronically through the principal's newsletters. You will also be notified if the flyer is denied.
Please allow 2-3 business days for the flyer to be reviewed by the Superintendent.
The Superintendent's Administrative Assistant will also notify the schools on your behalf that the flyer has been approved.
Even if your organization wishes only to send flyers home to students in one of the district schools, the organization must first get the Superintendent's approval if the activity/event is not school-sponsored.
MRSD will not post flyers on the District or school websites.