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Monadnock Regional School District

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Monadnock Title I



FREE CLASSES for parents, caregivers and child care providers (from Swanzey, Richmond, Troy, Fitzwilliam, Gilsum and Roxbury) of children birth to age five.

Each 90-minute class focuses on eight or nine age-appropriate activities that parents can enjoy at home with their child.  Parents will receive tools, such as free toys, games, puzzles, books, music and rhymes that guide children in their learning journey.

Classes for each age group meet 3 times a year and focus on the following topics:

  • Fall Session - Language and Literacy
  • Winter Session - Math and Reasoning
  • Spring Session - Social and Emotional


There will be a one-time orientation before the first class that you attend.


Classes are 90 minutes long.  We work hard to be as prompt as possible knowing that everyone has a busy day.


Classes for parents of each age group are based on the year your child enters kindergarten.

If your child will enter kindergarten in:

  • 2029, you will attend classes for birth-1 year olds
  • 2028, you will attend classes for 1-2 year olds
  • 2027, you will attend classes for 2-3 year olds
  • 2026, you will attend classes for 3-4 year olds
  • 2025, you will attend classes for 4-5 year olds

Co-Instructors Beth Audette and Lynn Speckman
Classes will be held in-person at the Wilcox building on Wednesday evenings.
Class 5:30-7:00 PM
Class size is limited, and registration is required.
Please note that this schedule is subject to change.
F A L L    C L A S S E S

9/11   For parents of 4-5 year olds

10/9 For parents of 2-3 year olds

10/30   For parents of 1-2 year olds

11/13 For parents of 0-1 year olds

11/20   For parents of 3-4 year olds

W I N T E R    C L A S S E S

12/11 For parents of 4-5 year olds

1/8   For parents of 3-4 year olds

1/22 For parents of 2-3 year olds

2/5 For parents of 1-2 year olds

2/19 For parents of 0-1 year olds

S P R I N G    C L A S S E S

3/12 For parents of 3-4 year olds

3/26 For parents of 2-3 year olds

4/9 For parents of 1-2 year olds

4/30   For parents of 0-1 year olds

5/14 For parents of 4-5 year olds

Please register at this link:



If you are interested in learning more about this program, check out this web site:

Monadnock Title I, Wilcox Building, 633 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH 03446, 603.357.2042